Costume - This is what the character is wearing and has to be appropriate to the scene and the vibe that the scene is trying to give off and also dictate the amount of power a character has e.g. tramp clothes, expensive suit.
Props - Props are objects that characters can use to emphasize the role they are playing, anything from weapons to vehicles.

Sets - Location in which the scene being shot takes place e.g. café, outback, city centre.
Lighting - The amount of light used when shooting a scene affects the atmosphere of the scene, there are two types of lighting, high key and low-key, high key lighting exposes the subject to a lot of light and shows a lot of detail on the subject. Low key lighting makes a lot of shadows on the subject and hides details from the audience.

front of the camera it shows the character has power and authority over the other characters who appear in the camera as well. although if a character is further away from the camera this allows the audience to be aware this character does not have authority and is less important than the person who is in front of the camera. Furthermore space defines how characters feel towards each other, if there is space between both characters this shows they are not intimate.
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