In addition to this we researched what teenagers find interesting and what they would like to see in a film, most search results came up with results such as killing, blood, jump scenes etc. So, as a group we decided in the 2mins we had to film that we would try to include some of these categories that our target audience is interested in.
In the two minute opening of our film we tried to engage our audience by using different angles shots, for example the POV (Point Of View) shot was used frequently this was so the audience could view everything through the killers eyes. The soundtrack choice allowed us to build tension as it made the audience question what would happen next. The ending of the two minute film was a cliff hanger, we aimed to make sure our target audience needs were met. I interviewed a student and ask what they would like to see happen in a psychological film. And the student suggested the main character living a double life. We tried to use this in our film by making Daniel seem normal to the public eye even though he was not mentally well.
We would make changes such as what location we used for Sasha's murder, maybe the use of a dark basement would have caused more affect on the audience. Making them feel sympathy for Sasha even though she had brought this upon herself. To continue to attract our audience I think we would include more jump scenes as seen at the ending of the film, Daniel was holding a list of names meaning he would have continued to murder until the last victim on his list was dead. For each murder we would have made the killings different so that the audience would still be engaged and not get tired of the same cycle of how he kills his victims.
By Adaora
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