Sunday, 28 February 2016

Evaluation - Reaching out to social media

We put the link of our film onto social media allowing them to watch our film and give us feedback on what they thought we did well and what we could improve.

The target audience is people who are our age, teenagers spend most of their time on social media which gave us an advantage as it allowed us to know where our target audience will be. As Facebook is a popular a social media network we decided to promote ourselves on there as it is free and gives access to anybody who wishes to view the link.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Evaluation - Who is our target audience

The target audience for our film would be British, Male/Female teenagers. I believe we need to attract the following (Nationality, Age, Gender and Race) If we did not have a target audience it would be complicated for us to determined what type of language to use and the sort of behaviour that would be seen throughout the film, for example if I was to compare the older generation to the younger generation there would be many issues but the most common would be language barriers as the younger generation tend to use slang whereas the older generation do not.

I believe our film does not need to address a particular race because as seen in the film two races are shown also the storyline could be addressed to any kind of race. Race should not exclude people from watching our film as I felt it was a storyline that could occur within any cultural setting. I also think our film can be addressed to both male and female as I believe this film would be suitable for both genders as females do enjoy thriller films as much as boys are known to like.

These results show where the audience wanted the location to be held in the inner city, this  was the most popular location which help us come to the conclusion of the location of our film. However we felt as if many teenagers like things that are expensive, the inner city i.e. London would have been a great location but I felt as if it wouldn't have attracted the correct audience we wanted. And with this information it  allowed us to know who are target audience would be because we wanted our audience to be able to relate to the situations and to the character which is why I believe it was a good choice filming in a local suburb area.

By Chandler and Adaora

Friday, 26 February 2016

Evaluation - SurveyMonkey results

The results shown throughout this blogpost from the SurveyMonkey questionnaire that we handed out to a bunch of people, helped us in creating a film which our target would enjoy. It gave us an idea of what type of things we should include into our film and what things we shouldn't include in order to please audiences.

Construction - Reflections 7

The first major scale problem occurred within our group today, as it was presumed that all of our work was deleted, and due to the aforementioned fatigue the group was feeling, we became restless and began to panic. With help from our teacher, we were able to recover the saved files from two saves prior, meaning we had to edit what we lost once more, and so record everything that was lost one final time, and also cancelling the extra scene we planned due to time constraints.

Positives of the day - recovered the filming that we lost

Negatives of the day - had to re-film due to losing the work and cancelled the extra scene that was voted on. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Construction - Reflection 6

Today, we completed most of the outstanding blog posts, and all focused on completing the film. After getting an idea whilst editing, we quickly decided a date in which we could film something extra, as it the majority of us believed it would fit in the film, however, one of the group disagreed and said it would prolong efforts, and would hinder us reaching the deadline. Due to majority rule, we decided to go ahead with it anyway. 

Positives of the day - edited some more, decided to add something that would enhance our film better, and add to the narrative. 

Negatives of the day - one member of the group disagreed, minor dispute.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Construction - Reflections 5

On this day, we decided to split ourselves into two units. Two of us would tackle doing blog posts that were remaining  and the others would try and find fitting non-diagetic music for the film. It was quite hard to find non copyrighted music from YouTube, as many of the more fitting songs were subject to copyright and could not be used, but eventually we found one that could be used.
Positives of the day - got more work done as we split up, enabling things to be done at the same time.

Negatives of the day - struggled to find music that was non-copyrighted.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Construction - Reflections 4

With all our members back, we went on to go and film the rest of the film successfully, despite stumbling on our lines a bit due to how tired we all were. However, due to our fatigue (A Levels are mad long), we had to retake loads of times, which lead to a bit of frustration and annoyance among us.

Positives of the day - filmed all of our film once more

Negatives of the day - filming process was prolonged, a mini dispute errupted

Construction - Reflections 3

Due to one of our group members being ill, a restraint on what we could film was put from the get go of the day. With the three of us remaining, we filmed what we could, effectively filming the first few scenes from the short film. Improvising, we decided to film varying establishing shots and after we had filmed the rest of our shots when our other member returned, we would see which one fitted when editing. 

Positives of the day - Filmed footage that we could use

Negatives of the day - Still had a lot to record

Construction - Reflections 2

With the footage we had filmed previously, we began our first task of editing. With some experience from the preliminary filming, we all had some knowledge on the editing software. As our filming had not gone 100% to plan (see Reflections 1), we were forced to work with what we had for the time being, and so crafted the full opening sequence, seeing everything that we needed to film. Despite having to film again, we realised the potential our film had if we filmed "good".

Positives of the day - Learning to edit a bit more

Negatives of the day - realising the extent of filming and having to film everything again

On the editing software called Adobe Premier Pro we wanted to add titles to our film. Titles are important when making a film it allows the audience to follow what is happening in the film, it is a guide for the audience. I included titles such as the films name, our names and a title at the end which is a cliff hanger for the audience.

To import a title onto the film I clicked on edit and then title and the screenshot to my left appeared onto the screen. I had to chose a text that I felt suited our film and then I changed the colour of the text to white because I wanted the background to be black as I felt black stood out more allowing the text to be bold. After I had finished designing the text I closed down the title editing software which took me to where I was editing the film. I then exported the titles from a bar that appeared.

By Adaora

Monday, 22 February 2016

Construction - Reflections 1

The first day of filming went semi-successfully. By this, I mean that all of the shots needed were filmed, however when filming finished, the whole group knew that not all of the shots we filmed could be used for editing, and this was the case. The day was rainy and the majority of the outdoors shots were lacking audibly as the dialogue said could not be heard due to the persistent rain. But, we soldiered on whilst filming, despite the inevitable income that was to occur. 
Positives from this day - Filming done. Got a "feel" for the camera and equipment we would be using for the majority of the filming. 

Negatives from this day - Barely any of the outdoor shots could be used due to the weather.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Construction - Adding Title Graphics

By Adaora

Construction - Adding non diegetic sound

Construction - Non Diegetic Music

Firstly, we chose music that we felt suited our film, knowing that the audience would enjoy the music as it flowed very well causing a sense of ambiguity throughout the film. We added music by using one of the media technologies we learnt about which was YouTube.

We log into our account of YouTube, found the right soundtrack and then copied the link onto YouTube convertor which allowed us to download this soundtrack for free meaning it was accessible to us.

After using YouTube convertor the soundtrack automatically downloaded onto the Mac desktop which meant all we had to do was drag that soundtrack and import it onto Adobe Premier Pro.

By Adaora

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Construction - Making use of Theory

From the outset of the short film, it is clear that Todorov's theory of narrative is being used. Our protagonist called Daniel tells the tale of how he was bullied during school, for he was weak and vulnerable. He now plans to get back at his friends (the disruption). From the beginning, it is clear that Daniel has realised that his bullies are the problem, and attempts to restore his mental order by killing all of them. Because this is only the opening scene, he only kills one of them - Sasha. But if the whole film were to play out, he would eventually have killed them all, leading to a state of equilibrium once more.